In the pursuit of ever more accurate imaging procedures.

Neusoft has developed the NeuViz 16, 16-slice computed tomography scanner, to achieve cost-effective, cutting-edge patient care.

NeuViz 16 offers multi-detector capability to generate clearer 3-D images of complex anatomical structures in an exceptionally compact design.

Key Features

  • Friendly tool bar and graphical user interface
  • Effortless patient data input
  • Intuitive registration and clinical procedure selection
  • Easy-to-use workflow for efficient operation


  • 16-slice technology reduces exam time for more rapid diagnosis and maximum patient throughput
  • Reliable system performance
  • Low environmental costs due to minimal space requirements and optimal energy efficiency
  • Compact design simplifies site planning

Clinical Benefits

Diagnostic insight is found at the intersection of modern imaging and advanced information technology.

The NeuViz 16 operator’s console establishes an efficient environment for acquisition, reconstruction and post-processing using Neusoft’s embedded computer-aided diagnostic (CAD) software.

Neusoft IT solutions provides visually enhanced 2D and 3D images and stabilize system performance to improve the diagnostic capabilities of CT.

Exceptionally Compact Design
With a footprint less than 190 sq. ft. (17.7 m²), the NeuViz 16 enables hospitals and private practices with limited space to install a 16-slice CT scanner where previously only a single-slice system could be accommodated.

Neusoft Medical Systems offers a comprehensive portfolio of digital medical imaging systems including CT and MRI scanners, digital X-ray equipment and diagnostic ultrasound systems.