A fully integrated digital room replacement from Fuji. In as little as three clicks, you can complete an entire patient exam.

The SpeedSuite pairs the high- speed Fuji Cassetteless imaging readers with top-of-the-line X-ray equipment for a seamless, fully integrated system. SpeedSuites can be configured with a Velocity-U or ClearView-ES for upright imaging and/or the ClearView-D Table (FCR 5502D) for maximum productivity. All SpeedSuite packages include SpeedLink Image Control Software for one- touch exposures from the Flash IIP console.

Additional options include:
- A 55 or 80 KW generator including a cabinet with HV- transformer, a system controller, a control console with cable and an AEC. The generator is fully interfaced for convenient one- touch exam setup and synchronized servo drive of the tube and chest stand.
- An X- ray tube assembly. 
- A multileaf collimator featuring automatic collimation to streamline the X- ray process. 
- A ceiling mounted tube stand including magnet- actuated parking brakes, 3.0 meter long transverse track, SID encoder, integrating locking roller, electromagnetic brake for telescopic lift, mechanical center position catch and a vertical travel range of 1.5 meters. 
- Floor-mounted tube stand.